Monday, December 5, 2011

Month-In-Review: November

I'm a little late posting my riveting, recurring review of my monthly life, and I apologize for all of those who waited with bated breath.  So, what happened?  Well...

  • ...I decided to shelve the job hunt for at least the duration of the holiday season.  I just know I'm going about it all wrong, and it's more than a little annoying to be treading water for so long and getting nowhere.  I haven't given up (Really!  I haven't!), though.
  • I, as expected and required, ate too much over Thanksgiving.  I usually ride that hedonistic train from Thanksgiving until New Year, but I'm trying to rein it in between holidays with some smarter choices.  Doesn't seem to make a difference to my waistline, though.  Over 30, and the metabolism seems to come to a screeching halt.
  • We haven't even had our first real snowfall, it's still autumn, and I'm already sick of winter.  That depresses me, as I've always been a fan of sweater weather.  I do increase my coffee drinking during these months, though, and that's always comforting, especially with a little Baileys.  
  • I got nothin'.

So there you have it, another month, another roller coaster ride.  Bleh.