Friday, January 6, 2012

Month-In-Review: December

Blimey, 2012 just sort of happened, didn't it?  Sure, it came after 12 months of 2011 as most new years do, but I swear those 365 or so days went by a hell of a lot faster than they should have.  I mean, did I really accomplish anything?  I honestly can't say.  2011 was a quiet, uneventful year in the old Sara B household, and I suppose that is something for which to be thankful. 

I've been busy this past week putting my resolutions into motion (you know, lose weight, get a job, get a date, yada, yada, yada) that I haven't put much thought into that old holiday flurry that was December.  Well, here is what I'll address:
  • Miraculously, despite holiday parties and the associated richness of food, I finished 2011 five pounds down from where I started.  It's five pounds, not fifty, but I'll take it, considering how hard it is to manage at my advanced age.
  • There has been a positive turn on the job front, but I'm superstitious enough not to expound on it until some things have been set in stone.  
  • Really, that is the extent of my life since December 1.  Gripping.  Gah.
Well, as I've mentioned before, I love beginnings, so January is usually full of positive anticipation.  I'll let you know in February if that optimism has become a habit, since it takes 21 days of doing something for it to become a habit, after all. 
