Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I can't seem to get my mind to settle on any one thing. I leave in a few days for a faraway place and I just know that there are some last minute details I need to attend, but for the life of me, I can't think of what. I'm either very efficient or lacking in the brain cell department.

Or maybe my brain cells are flying in too many different directions. In addition to the preparation for the trip, the job hunt, and the de-cluttering of my apartment, there are all of the things relevant to my future profession that I want to learn, like now. The most recent position to which I've applied includes caring for rare books and manuscripts that date back to the fifteenth century. This holds tremendous appeal for me, but I've only taken one conservation class. I need more practice. I want to order supplies from Gaylord, spread them out on my kitchen table, and damage a few books just so I can repair them. I want to research illuminated manuscripts, not because they are part of any job I've seen, but because they are the subject of a novel I'm reading and I will be seeing the Book of Kells very soon. I want to get my mind around all of the standards that govern the library and archival professions, because it's more than just knowing what all of the acronyms stand for; I have to actually know how to apply them to my work. And, I just want my work to involve these standards (my impatience for that first archival job is creeping closer).

Is it any wonder I can't figure out if there is anything left to do before I hop on a plane? Or maybe there is wonder. As a single, childless woman, the details of my life tend to be more manageable than for the amazing people out there who juggle marriage, parenthood, and mortgages. But it still stands that I refuse to focus.

GD, I better not forget my passport.

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