Monday, November 1, 2010

The Bebes

I'm a cat person.  I'm also an over-zealous cat mom.  I have two, Chloe and Henry.  They are frequently subject to snapping photos, much to their...well, I doubt they really care all that much.  I care, though, and am just crafty enough to put my affection into a silly video, via Microsoft Movie Maker.  It's not the best music editing you'll find, and some of the video clips are really dark, but it still works for 11 minutes of entertainment.  I hope, anyway...

Edited to add: Some of these video clips within the movie are despairingly dark, and at times they are 2 minutes or more.  Just enjoy the music, I guess.  Ugh.   

1 comment:

  1. Sara, you really should start to spoil these be-bes. I mean, they are vying for your attention and you don't pay any. They want you to think they are cute and you don't even look.

    JK!!! You are the best kitty momma and your Be-Bes know it!!!
