Friday, April 29, 2011

Month-In-Review: April

I end April with 3 measly posts, including this one.  I guess I didn't have a lot on my mind this month.
  • I made it to my 10 app quota again.  I'm like a machine!  The rejections are piling up, too.  I know I should be doing more; why can't I get the chutzpah to do it?
  • I turned 32.  Wow.  
  • I've discovered that I'm stronger than I think.  While assisted with my feet on the ground, I can manage 8 pull ups.  I started this challenge not expecting even 1 or 2.  I look forward to when I can do an unassisted pull up.  Fitness challenges are fun.
That's about it.  I'm not feeling well.  I contracted a cold the same day I had three fillings at the dentist, which made that particular day quite stellar (the cute dentist not withstanding).   I don't feel like putting much thought into, well, anything right now.


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