Thursday, September 1, 2011

Month-In-Review: August

Another fascinating month is at an end.  We are also closing in on the end of summer.  Fall will officially be here this month, September.  I have to say that I am much looking forward to it.  I'm a middle ground kind of girl: Fall and Spring are my favorites.  And why shouldn't they be?

So what did I accomplish the past, uh, august weeks? (Har-har.)  Let's see:

  • I bumped up my job application totals from July, but only by half.  I made it to 6.  Is it the summer mind-set or what?  Now that the kiddies are back in school, will I be getting to work, too?
  • I had a promising start to the weight loss this month, with a couple of pounds, but this last week put me to back to where I started August 1.  Still, maintenance is better than gain.
  • I got a summer cold from which I am suffering a lingering cough that keeps me up at night and bothers anyone lucky enough to spend time with me.  
  • I bought a new (-ish) car.  My 2002 Spectra was fine, with the exception of a slightly noisy engine, a slow leak in the rear passenger tire, the dash coming apart at the seams, and no more letters on the back indicating what make or model she was.  Okay, fine, she wasn't fine.  Still, it stung to put her out to pasture.  Almost 9 years, you get attached to these things.  I am warming up quickly, though, to the 2008 Nissan Sentra that replaced her.  And yes, I will likely name her.  I am such a girl.
So that ends August.  If I've forgotten anything, it might be that I've rekindled my love of reading after nearly six weeks of barely picking up a book.  I returned from the library one day with three books and voila, I am a happier person again.

Books are remarkable, aren't they?  Or, should I say, the human imagination is...

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