Monday, February 28, 2011

Month-In-Review: February

I think after such an auspicious showing in January, I had too many expectations for this month.  Aw, hell.  It wasn't that bad...

  • My first book club meeting was a lot of fun, and there are some pretty cool women who live in my apartment complex.  I definitely look forward to discussing March's book in a couple of weeks.
  • I bit the bullet and went from the "safe" side-sweeping bangs to a fringe cut and it's cute!  It also reminded me that that's what I am: cute.  Not altogether sexy or glamorous or exotic, but cute.  Just don't squeeze my cheek, okay?
    • I applied to 9 out of the 10 "quota" jobs.  Why didn't I get that last one in?  I just never built up the momentum, and I fell into a bit of a funk last week, my stomach in knots, hot/cold, know.  I was sick.  I considered getting that last one in today just to meet my goal, but then I thought that goals were over-rated.  
      • I tried the gym, and I liked it!  I'm even going to drop some serious dough to purchase a one-year membership.  I can't believe it.  
        • I didn't drop the pounds, though.  Okay, maybe one.  I'll take it.  
          • I might need a root canal.  

            And so February comes to a close.  I wish winter would, too.  The few days of 50 and 60 degrees was a balm to my chapped lips and cheeks.  Spring and fall are my favorite seasons, the in-betweens.  I wonder if that's because I'm a middle child?

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