Friday, July 1, 2011

Month-In-Review: June

June.  Well.  What can I say?  There are 30 days in the month.  Summer officially started on the 21st.  It was hot.  It was, hmm...

  • I lost 2 more pounds.  Since May 1st, that is 6 pounds for any one keeping track.  
  • I have really been working on cardio endurance, and in June I burned 10,900 calories (because I like to know these things).
  • I only applied to 8 jobs and not the usual 10.  I probably could have gotten in 10 apps, but I was feeling rebellious.  Probably why I haven't put more effort in to changing my approach, either.
  • I can't stop watching Netflix Instant.  It's a disease.
  • I finally cleaned out my sun room for the first time in ages and arranged my fitness equipment just so, lining up my dumbbells in a pretty row.  It tickles me.  
  • God, I'm weird.
So, those are the mundane details of last month.  Word.