Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Month-In-Review: May

We finally saw some summery days in May.  Those endless gray skies and chilly temperatures gave way to the sun and 90 degrees or more.  Of course, there was still the rain, and tornado season is in full, devastating throttle.  On the tiny island of me, however, May was decent...

  • I lost 4 pounds.  While that is within normal fluctuations, it was a consistent drop, so I think I'm headed in the right direction.  Since bathing suit season is upon us, I am glad.
  • I stuck on topic this month with the blog posts.  It's nice not to be so random, sometimes.
  • I applied to my 10 jobs, and received just as many rejections.
  • I have seen the end of my series of dentist visits.  The fillings are all in, and I've been fitted for whitening trays, gratis (as a thank you, I'm sure, for dropping $2000 over the course of three months and four visits).  

May was consistent and constructive.  The anal part of my soul (that just sounds weird) is delighted.  Then there's the part of me that thinks, "Well, shouldn't my life be just a little messy?" 

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