Monday, January 31, 2011

Month-In-Review: January

I started strong in January; it will be interesting to watch as the momentum slows, as it inevitably will.  (See?  I'm a positive sort.)  Let's make a list of well-dones:
  • I lost 6# in January.  That is pre-holiday weight, so the real work begins tomorrow.  However, that didn't stop me from making celebratory "Car Bomb" Cupcakes.  I've given some away, but I've got a good half-dozen to polish off, and let's not ignore the fact that I'm now stocked with Jameson, Bailey's, and 2 cans of Guinness.  I may not have any recollection of February at all.
  • I applied to 12 positions and have only yet been rejected by 2.  Few others have acknowledged my applications, and they're all due for a follow up, but I still like the odds.
  • I signed up to join a gym today.  I workout regularly at home, so the only significance this bears is that it means I'll be getting out of the house more.
  • I didn't have one bad day this month.  I had a couple of "meh" days, and a few crises at work, but I maintained an upbeat spirit everyday.  We learn from bad days, sure, but to be able to overcome frustration and drawbacks before they turn into one long day of hell is quite lovely.  
  • I posted to this blog every week.  That's dedication, I tell you.  Especially since this stuff is only interesting to me.  A blogger for the Library Journal, Annoyed Librarian, had said in a blog post earlier this month: "If you're a writer, you can't please everyone, so don't even try.  Write to please yourself.  That way, even if nobody reads, you can get some pleasure years later as you stumble across an old blog post of your own, read it with fresh eyes, and think to yourself that it's not half bad."  I really think this old thing is for my amusement, and I enjoy being amused. 
All in all, I'd say January was stellar.  And I'm not even being facetious.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to read that Jan has been a good start for you for '11.

    Gosh, we really do have to write for ourselves. I just hope those that get some enjoyment out of mine, find me and stick around. And writing for yourself is, actually, way easier. Remember having to write papers in school and you had to write 'to the teacher' instead of showing your own flair and style?

    Rock on, Miss S!!!
