Friday, January 21, 2011

So It Begins...

I received my first job rejection of 2011 today.  This institution didn't let any grass grow under its feet.  Within a few days of submitting my application online, I received a letter in the mail acknowledging receipt.  Two days later, I received another letter stating that I am no longer in consideration.  I have to tell you, it's hard to imagine careful consideration was given in less than a week, but with so many applicants (as they indicated in the letter), sometimes a cursory glance is all that can be given.  It's okay.  It's what happens.

There was a twinge of regret, but mostly, I'm over it.  I think this numbers game may have more going for it than I thought.  Sure, the more resumes I send out, the more rejections I'll get, but the less involved I am in the possibilities.  My heart doesn't have room for all of these opportunities, and so it won't get bruised, battered, or broken when I hear the regrettable, "Thanks, but no thanks."  With mass applying, they are all just jobs, and not potential life-changing events.  That's so much easier on my psyche.

So it begins.  The pile of "no's" is small, but it's certain to grow.  I wonder if I should make them all into some crafty art piece? 

1 comment:

  1. Awww...(((Sara)))

    Sorry about the rejection letter. I think your perception and your out look is best.

    Keep at it girl. We're behind you to cheer you on!
