Thursday, March 31, 2011

Month-In-Review: March

Another rollicking edition of month-in-review!  Ahem. 

Per usual, nothing really extraordinary occurred in March.  Still, some notables:

  • I applied to 11 positions, making up for missing my February goal by one.
  • Instead of getting all of my entertainment from Netflix streaming, with which I've become obsessed since I figured out my damn router and configured the Blu-ray, I dropped some cash to see a movie in a theater.  What a notion!  It was opening night of Paul.  I just love Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, so seeing them together again since Hot Fuzz was loads of fun.  The flick wasn't directed by Edgar Wright (he did a stellar job with Scott Pilgrim), so it wasn't the full dream team behind Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, but still a hoot.  I really enjoy going to the theater.  It's an experience that you just can't replicate at home, no matter how good your surround sound or large your TV.
  • I'm getting the travel itch again.  Not going to happen, what with all of this costly dental work in my future (result of 5 to 10 years between visits and a love of sweets that just keeps growing), but I've been all over the notion of going to Italy, thanks to reruns of Passport to Europe I caught this month.
  • Either something is in the water or it's the change of seasons, because I've been a little too upbeat lately.  I try to keep it under control when I'm around others, but I'm perky to the point of self-annoyance.
  • And now I'm just making up things to add.
April is nigh.  I turn 32, two days after my brother hits 40, and one day before my sister hits 30.  No milestones for me, but I'll be drinking to them, all three days that week. 

 I'm also setting fitness goals for myself.  I think I've been too easy on myself and need to ramp it up.  Primary goal is to do a pull up.  I just purchased a workout station that will help me train for them at home, just so I don't look like an ass at the gym just hanging there.  Well, I'm sure I always look like an ass.  It's why I'm so endearing.


1 comment:

  1. I haven't been to a theatre in months. And I agree with you that there are some movies you HAVE to see at the theatre. Like Star Wars & Jurassic Park.
